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One of the most wonderful seasons has arrived! Not only do the sunny days bring happiness to my life, but there’s only one other thing that summer can mean: IT’S LAVENDER BLOOMING SEASON!
Long caption alert: I would like to answer some common questions I often get about lavender season and tips for planning your photo shoot.
The very first question I get all the time is: WHERE are the lavender fields located? And, eventhough there is lots of information out there on the internet, as a local photographer based at Provence (the heart of lavender fields) I feel the need to go into detail: Lavender fields are located at Provence, especifically at the Plateau de Valensole since its soil and constant sun exposure allows the flower to develop in a better way than in other places in the country.
Keep in mind that the Plateau de Valensole is in the middle of Provence, and this means you will need your own car to get there, BUT in my experience it is the place where you can get the best results which can later translate into beautifully unique pictures with endless rows of flowers as the backdrop.
The second question I get is WHEN is it the perfect time to visit the fields? as many blog posts out there say the blooming season begins in July, August, or even September! This is confusing and not accurate. The real season begins after June 20 (the flowers are small though) and lasts until about July 15 if we are lucky.
There are no exact dates for either the beginning or ending, but I can assure you after several seasons here and endless breathtaking photo shoots taken, these are the approximate dates for every year. With that being said, I recommend the end of June until the 10th or 12th of July as this is when the flowers are at their maximum bloom before the harvest season.
How long does it last? Almost three weeks if we count the last week of June until the final days before the harvest season. I know it is really short. I wish they lasted forever because, my friend, the smell and the landscapes alone make you fall in love with nature, sunrises and sunsets.
The third common question that I get is what’s the best time for our photo shoot to be taken? In my experience with my clients, the best time is either during sunrise or before sunset. At this time of year, that means it’s either 05h30 or 20h30.
I think I addressed most of the frecuently asked questions but, if you have further questions about lavender or want more lavender tips, I’m here to help!