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Hi there!
I’d like to share with you my second series called REBIRTH.

At first, I didn’t know what it would morphe into since I started with the idea of showing you the beauty found in our daily lives represented by preparing an omelet, but then I saw the eggshells and I immediately thought to myself:

Hmm… What can I do with them so I can upcycle them? and suddenly I pictured a mosaic in my head: a girl dancing made out of broken eggshells.

❤It is almost finished and I have to say this became a representation of what I’ve been feeling since this COVID19 odyssey began. I read an article that compared what many of us are struggling with to what we experience when we are going through a grieving process and how we can go through its different stages more than once and not in any particular order.

Do you feel awkwardly motivated for a few days at a time and then suddenly struck by a deep sadness for no apparent reason?

Truth is deep down inside, no matter how broken we are, eventually we will rise brighter and stronger than before. When I saw my mosaic I saw the metaphor behind it: we have to find the strength we all carry to rise up again and not only from this pandemic, but also after any struggle we have in our lives.

Let me know if this series resonates with you and how you are dealing with this situation.

🌟Stay safe!

personal posts

Creative isolation during lockdown

© Andrea Mariño Photography - All rights reserved 2024
Based at the South of France 

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